Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Yuck...I cant look!....thats gross!....Not ME!

This year, the year of 2009 is mine!!!! I have sacrificed all my time to other family members and loved ones and I seem to never have time for my-self! 4 yrs ago I was 45 pounds lighter! I want that back! So here I go......

I weighed in at 191 yuck! I will take measurements later but I have been on the new me mood for 3 days and feel like I am losing the battle all ready! So I need every ones support! I have goals, I have trips planned and Vacations to go on, and Mark has a BOAT! Me in a swim suit, bad picture! So I am turning this year into a weight lose year, I want to be down 40 pounds by July....Mark and I are going to Sturgis in August and me in leather right now, not a lovely sight! any way I have a blog and here I go I will be weighting in weekly and letting everyone know how I am doing and this will help me out.

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